We worship

Child & family


Church in Malvern with both church-based and online services.

Welcome to the parish Malvern Link with Cowleigh, Worcestershire. We have long believed in doing church differently and offer you a choice of worship styles to encourage and inspire you for the week ahead. We have catholic roots, but in recent years have branched out to embracing a range of ways of building our church community, including our 11.15 Contemporary Worship Service. Inclusion is at the heart of what we are about, whatever our preferences and approaches to life.

We have three churches in the parish – St Matthias, The Church of The Ascension and St Peter’s Cowleigh – each with its own distinct character, history and activities. We offer different styles and types of church services, all of which are united by our focus on sharing the love of God with everybody, always.

Quiz Night

Quiz Night

Quiz Night on Saturday October 19th in aid of the St Peter's “Raising the...

read more

Sunday worship at our Churches

Sun 9.45am Sung Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sundays St Matthias
Sung Eucharist   2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays The Church of the Ascension
Sun 11.15am Contemporary Worship St Peter’s
Sun 5pm Taize Worship 4th Sunday The Church of the Ascension

For more information about our services please click here to go to our Services page

Parish News

To see what else is happening in our parish please click here to go to our Parish News page.

We’re here for everyone

A lot of people looking for a church ask what sort of church are we? That’s a slightly tricky question to answer as our parish is made up of a lot of different people, but here’s a list of things we think are important:

Inclusivity – We want to offer worship and activities that are open and accessible to all. We want to provide a space for everyone, regardless of physical ability, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, age, economic means – and ways of thinking about what it means to be a follower of Christ. We are, however, perfectly aware that by trying to do this we will inevitably fail repeatedly – but we keep trying.

Multi-sensory – We want to offer worship and activities that engage all your senses, your mind and your soul. We think that we can use lots of different ways to draw closer to the divine – so we use music, visual arts, drama, dance, silence, contemplation, discussion, teaching, incense, bells, banjos, drums and so on.

Sacramental – We want to offer church worship and activities which point beyond the ordinary and everyday to something much richer and more beautiful. Our communities are centred around the Eucharist, but we also offer a wide range of other activities. We believe that the visible physical stuff of life points to the invisible and mysterious stuff of God.

This website should contain everything you need to know about who we are and what we do, but the best way is to come along (in person or virtually) and spend some time with us. We’d love you to become part of what God is doing Malvern Link and Cowleigh.

God Bless

MLWC together

Looking to the Future

We are delighted to announce that our new Priest-in-Charge next year will be the Revd. James Williams, who is presently our Curate.

We ask that you join us in prayer as we welcome James and his wife Sarah. Please come and be part of James’s Ministry in our three churches as we look forward to his guidance with the ‘Next Gen’ program, our schools involvement with activities and prayer, and the many other ongoing events we have in all our churches. We give thanks and pray for all out team members who continue to run our large parish such as our Lay Readers, Churchwardens, Musicians, Tiny Tots, Dementia Meeting Centre, Community Fridge and many other varied church happenings.

Our doors are always open.

Dear Lord God
We thank you for you continued guidance.
May the Holy Spirit be with us all as we
come to you in prayer for our future, and the
future of this Parish.

Coop Community Fridge Donation
On Wednesday Nov 15th we were joined at the Community Fridge by local Co-op store managers Dave Jones, Andrew Lane and Tina Palmer ( Co-op Member Pioneer). They joined us to celebrate the amazing £4304.37 that has been raised over the last year from the ‘Local Community Fund’ that the wonderful store customers have supported. From everyone at the Community Fridge and #malvernlinkwithcowleigh we say a massive ‘Thank you’ for choosing us as your charity and to the Co-op for all your on going support!
We look to add additional services to support the community in our food offering with the funding received.

3 Churches – 1 Vision

St Matthias' Church

St Matthias’ Church in the centre of Malvern Link has a strong community focus. It is also one of the churches which hosts a traditional Said Eucharist and a Sung Eucharist on Sundays. See individual church pages or the Services & Events page for all service details.

St Peter's Church

St Peter’s Church on Cowleigh Bank is where we hold our 11.15am Contemporary Worship service every Sunday. It also doubles as the much loved SPARC – St Peter’s Arts Church, a delightfully cozy venue for music and theatre performances. See individual church pages or the Services & Events page for all service details.

The Church of The Ascension

The Church of The Ascension on Somers Park Avenue, known locally as ‘Belmont Cathedral’ provides a light and serene environment for our traditional Sunday Sung Eucharist, and a Taize service. The Dementia Meeting Centre meets in the church hall which is attached to the church.  See individual church pages or the Services & Events page for all service details.

School Assemblies

A team of people provide collective worship
in assembly time at St Matthias and Northleigh Primary
Schools each week. Stories from the Bible come to life,
hard questions are pondered and songs sung.
It’s a fun time for all involved.

Together we can
make lives better

Church isn’t an event to attend – it’s a place to belong.
Together we can do more, be more, and endure
more when we’re walking through life together.