Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Ness & Sarah from MLWC with Paula Maidens ( Y5 teacher at St Matthias Primary School) at the event❄️! ‘ On Friday November 29th we had a fantastic Christmas Fair within St Matthias Church. We joined up with the staff and PTA of St Matthias Primary School in the...
Raise the Roof Raffle

Raise the Roof Raffle

1st Prize: New Year’s Hamper of exciting goodies! 2nd Prize: B&B Stay for 2 at Cowleigh Park Farm (subject to availability) 3rd Prize: Royal 3 Counties Show Tickets for Sunday 15th June 2025 for 2 Adults (Children Free) Plus many other amazing prizes The draw will...
Flatworld Concert 09/11/24

Flatworld Concert 09/11/24

Dancing , music and drinks were enjoyed at a SPARC event at St Peter’s – held in memory of Andrew Judd. He was a long standing member of St Peter’s, and it was his vision to have St Peter’s as a place where art and faith meet. His printmaker sessions continue...
St Peter’s church yard Tidy up 2

St Peter’s church yard Tidy up 2

Lots of volunteers turned up to help tidy up the churchyard today (28/09/24). Mid morning we enjoyed cakes and refreshments in the sunshine and admired our work!  The next tidy up will be in the spring. See the church noticeboards for info nearer the time. Thanks...
Malvern Joggers drop by the Trug

Malvern Joggers drop by the Trug

The Malvern Joggers dropped by the DMC on one of their runs last night, to have a look at the Trug, which had been bought with money raised by them. DMC is their chosen charity this year! ...